Sunday, July 1, 2007

Twelfth Tango Stop - Seattle, WA


What a gorgeous setting, a restaurant ballroom on the harbor with a view of the city. "It actually gets more beautiful as the sun goes down because the city lights illuminate through the windows," a couple told me as I was trying to get a photo at the start of the milonga.

Arturo Newman, the milonga host and our contact person for the gig told me he likes China Harbor (a Chinese restaurant in downtown Seattle) for his milonga because it is a lot like a Buenos Aires venue, a bit dingy and a funky sound system. However, he dresses it up with table cloths and candle light so that as the evening unfolds the atmosphere is just right for social dancing.

In the end it is the people that make the event. We had a really nice time; good dancing, good energy, it made our work easy!

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