Interesting Facts
Total Tango stops: 15
Number of places that was a first time tango visit for all of us: 6
Biggest lesson turnout: 48, Salt Lake City, UT
Biggest dance turnout: 100+, Denver, CO
Number of people who graciously hosted us: 24
Number of musicians collaborated with: 22
Largest tango jam: Pittsburgh (8 others)
Tango stop with highest population: 1.2 million, San Diego, CO
Tango stop with lowest population: 94,000, Boulder, CO
Total miles traveled: 8.845 miles
Miles driven by Andy: 8,445 miles!
Number of states traversed: 20
Average gas cost: $0.12/mile
Longest single day of travel: 710 miles - North Ridgeville, OH to Lake Anita, IA
Average driving hours for the last week of the tour: 7 hours/day
Coldest: 30 degrees, Carson National Forest, Pecos Wilderness, NM
Hottest: ~100 degrees, Joshua Tree National Park
Highest Elevation: 9500ft, Carson National Forest, Pecos Wilderness, NM
Lowest Elevation: 0ft, San Diego, CA and Cape Lookout, OR
Furthest North: Seattle, WA
Furthest South: San Diego, CA
Furthest West: Cape Lookout, OR
Furthest East: Pittsburgh, PA
Number of camping nights: 7
Longest stay in one place: 3 days in Boise, ID
Number of non-caucasians in Boise: 1 (Avik)
Latest night: 3:45am in Pittsburgh with El Pulpo
Earliest morning: Seattle, 7:30am
Number of different places we stayed in 30 days: 20
Number of hotel stays: 0
Number of snakes observed: 2 (one in captivity)
Number of times we ate fast food: 6 (too many)
Number of times we ate fast food in the Midwest: 4 (3 in Ohio)
Number of times we did laundry: 8
Most expensive food: 1 tiny white truffle at $250/lb
Believe it or not, the following amounts are for all 3 of us combined...
Average amount spent on food: $42/day (watch out Rachael Ray)
Average amount spent on gas: $40/day
Average amount spent on lodging: $5/day (thanks to our gracious hosts)
Average amount spent on wine: $7/day
Average total expenses: $94/day
Food leftover: grapefruit, jar of peanut butter, bag of dried cherries, a bag of dried morels
We started on June 1 with a full moon and ended on June 30 with a blue moon--the auspicious second full moon of the month.
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